Our Values

The foundation of the work of Flowering Tree is Transformation of the person.

Transformation can occur with the opportunity for both Inner and outer Development.  Inner development involves invisible, personal understandings and aspirations.  Outer development is demonstrated through achievement and recognition.

Flowering Tree believes in Listening, rather than directing. Listening builds a Relationship of trust that drives effective work. All Flowering Tree work is based on these two foundational pillars. 

Flowering Tree recognizes Children as the potential of the future. Flowering Tree encourages education that cultivates both inner and outer development. This prepares children to deal with existing structures and provides them the inner resource for meeting the needs of an unknown future. 

Flowering Tree is committed to the Empowerment of Women so that through their own growth, they can support those around them, especially their own children.  This is the best model for sustainable change, which starts in the family. 

Flowering Tree is motivated by the challenge of Reconciling the Dualities of Local/Global, Public/Private, Tradition/Modernity, and Female/Male. These dualities form the rich tapestry of our shared contemporary life and have special bearing on human development.

Flowering Tree fosters a Collaborative Approach, embracing partners from all sectors of human enterprise in the shared goals of creating Sustainable Development through helping our partners thrive beyond our support. 

Flowering Tree encourages multicultural participation where all are welcome to contribute their unique perspectives, voices, and talents. 

Flowering Tree seeks to make a continuous contribution to the creation of a harmonious, peaceful, and civil society.

Therefore, the human development model of Flowering Tree integrates the requirements of external institutions and structures with the inner processes and aspirations of each person