
You can support our mission of creating positive change in the world by making a donation. Your support can help Flowering Tree continue to work towards building strong, sustainable partnerships. Your donation can help make a real difference in the lives of children, families, and communities, helping them overcome obstacles and reach their full potential.

Please reach out to us to support the following projects either individually, or through your organization. You can reach out to us to direct donations towards a goal, cause, or region that is close to your heart. We will work with you to find the best match for you contribution.

Anant, Maharashtra - This project focused on arts and music education for this holistic development of children. We are interested in scaling our work in compliance with National Education Policy 2020 and seek support.

Manav Gulzar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat - This project includes education, Open schooling, holistic education, culturally relevant education, nutrition, and other activities, giving families access to high quality elementary education right in their community. We would like to expand this model of work to other communities and seek support for making this happen.

Shwetaark, Jaipur, Rajasthan - This project includes running two schools, holistic Education, culturally relevant education to prepare children for a sustainable future. We would like to scale this work to more sustainable schooling for children and seek financial and other support for making this happen.

Parijat, Uttar Pradesh, Gorakhpur - This project focusses on women’s development, livelihood, active citizenry, health literacy, financial literacy, legal literacy to help women lead fulfilled lives. If any of these areas interest you, please reach out to us and we can customize a way for you to contribute to the cause that is close to your heart.

All donations made in the US to Flowering Tree, Inc. are tax deductible.

In case you want to make donations towards projects in India, please reach out to us, and we will direct to you the appropriate entity to make tax exempt donations, wherever possible.